立即體驗Magic Chess Go Go!

    關於Magic Chess Go Go

    Magic Chess Go Go是由 Vizta Games 開發的一款策略性自走棋遊戲,靈感來源於廣受歡迎的手機遊戲《英雄聯盟:激鬥峽谷》(MLBB)。遊戲融合了策略、英雄招募和戰術gameplay,為休閒和競技玩家帶來引人入勝的遊戲體驗。


    1. 遊戲機制

      • 玩家可以招募和升級來自MLBB世界觀的英雄,組建強大陣容在8人對戰中智勝對手。
      • 遊戲引入了Magic Chess Go Go卡牌系統,在比賽關鍵階段提供獨特的戰略優勢。
    2. 指揮官系統

      • 每位玩家可以選擇一名具有專屬主動技能和被動技能的指揮官,為遊戲增添策略深度。
      • 指揮官可升級至三級獲得增強能力,在戰鬥中佔據顯著優勢。
    3. 英雄協同

      • Magic Chess Go Go的英雄分為戰士、射手、召喚師等多個職業,組合後可觸發強大的協同效果。
      • 陣容搭配示例:4守護者 + 4射手 + 2召喚師 + 2深淵,可組成平衡而強大的隊伍。
    4. 遊戲模式

      • 經典模式:休閒對戰,玩家可以不用擔心排名盡情享受遊戲。
      • 排位模式:面向追求排行榜名次的競技玩家。
      • 自定義模式:可與好友對戰或為未來的比賽做準備。
    5. 視覺與音效

      • 遊戲採用可愛的Q版人物設計,具有視覺吸引力的遊戲環境。
      • 輕柔的音樂和細緻的音效提升整體遊戲體驗。
    6. 免費遊戲與應用內購買

      • 玩家可以免費遊玩,可選擇購買指揮官造型、特殊棋盤和其他裝飾物品。
      • 遊戲提供Magic Chess Go Go通行證以獲取獨家獎勵和造型,但這並非遊戲進程所必需。


    • 構建穩健陣容:專注打造全程有效的陣容,並能快速適應變化的局勢。
    • 選擇有利的Magic Chess Go Go Cards:選擇與當前陣容相得益彰的卡牌以最大化收益。
    • 早期升級指揮官:在遊戲早期將指揮官升至三級可以獲得顯著優勢。



    Magic Chess Go Go是一款極具吸引力和趣味性的策略遊戲,特別適合MLBB玩家和自走棋類遊戲愛好者。憑藉其獨特的遊戲機制、迷人的視覺效果和引人入勝的gameplay,為經典自走棋模式帶來全新體驗。




    arjhun ilagan


    5 stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Magic Chess go go is super fun, the combos are crazy and every game feels different. Sometimes RNG trolls me, but that's part of the challenge lol. Graphics are smooth, and the game runs well. Magic Chess go go is addicting, especially when you get a winning streak. Would be nice if they add more modes or new mechanics though, since it can get a bit repetitive. Still, highly recommend if you love strategy games! Magic Chess go go!




    Magic Chess go go is great, but it feels unfair. The commanders are very expensive, and you need at least 16 of the same commander to upgrade to level 3 and unlock its full potential. However, every time you play, no magic coins are added. Magic coins are essential for purchasing and upgrading commanders, making progress feel slow and frustrating. Although Magic Chess go go is really fun, it would be more enjoyable if we could use different commanders. With the current system, we're stuck using the same few heroes. Magic Chess go go needs improvement!




    There are too many changes in Magic Chess go go, especially in visuals and heroes, which I don't approve because it just looks and feels so different and more cartoonish. Too many things are just buffs, unlike the old Magic Chess go go where there were actual skills, effects, and strategies. Now, it just looks like I'm watching minions clear lanes. I've adapted to the changes, which are much easier in a bad way, but I like how there's less lag and new currencies. However, the old Magic Chess go go was more entertaining, challenging, and fun! Magic Chess go go, please bring back the old mechanics!


    Jz Playzz


    Wow, so far, so good! Finally, we have a separate MLBB chess game—Magic Chess go go! Here are some bugs to inform you about, Moonton ❤️: 1st, it often freezes on the part of receiving or losing stars in ranking mode after the game. 2nd, the Magic Chess go go MLBB account bug always responds with 'no internet connection,' even though my connection is fine. These are the bugs I've noticed so far. Wishing for the best! Support 💛 Magic Chess go go forever!




    The graphics in Magic Chess go go look amazing, and I do like the UI very much. But my main gripe with Magic Chess go go is that I feel like they dumbed down the system too much, and there isn't enough to differentiate every match. Maybe if there were something that really changed up the game every once in a while? Because every match feels the same, except for the units you sometimes may switch up. Another thing I would like to point out is that some of the newer additions have very one-dimensional and boring abilities. Magic Chess go go should innovate more!


    Random Gamer


    Magic Chess go go is a fun strategy game. Items, heroes, synergies, and positioning play a big role in matches against opponents. Magic Chess go go is also quite generous with the gifting system—I’ve gotten quite a lot of commanders for free! However, the downside is that Magic Chess go go is quite RNG-based in the higher ranks. Still, if you play consistently, you will be able to rank up smoothly. Magic Chess go go all the way!


    Zyronyx Smith


    The graphics in Magic Chess go go are bright, polished, and full of personality. The characters in Magic Chess go go look great, with smooth animations and fun effects that keep battles exciting. The chessboards have unique designs, and the interface is clean and easy to navigate. Magic Chess go go is visually appealing without being too overwhelming, just the right balance for a strategy game. Overall, WOW!!! Magic Chess go go!


    Loranie Del Remedios


    I've played Magic Chess go go ever since its first launch in the base game, and I'm happy that it reached this far. However, there are some things I'd like to mention. Firstly, Magic Chess go go’s performance on low-end devices is lacking. I'm having a hard time buying the heroes I need at the shop due to random reconnecting, even with a good signal. Also, the new Magic Chess go go synergy changes are quite confusing at first. The matches are also way shorter than what I’ve been used to. Even so, I'm loving Magic Chess go go!

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